超导磁体用于MRI机器的操作。预计这一趋势将推动全球市场的发展。核研究领域也广泛使用了这种磁铁。它们用于核磁共振(NMR)设备的生产。当这些磁铁与核磁共振(NMR)结合在一起时,对治疗某些重要器官的癌症非常有益。预计在预测期内,这方面将进一步促进全球市场的增长。核工业也在最近的几年里迅速增长,预计在今后七年内将进一步增长。这些磁铁是用来稳定核废料的。预计这一趋势将进一步推动全球超导磁体市场在预测期内的增长。电视产业也有望推动全球市场的增长。 These magnets are used for maintaining resonance frequencies which create extremely specific very high frequencies (VHF) and ultra high frequencies (UHF) in television sets. This is expected to be beneficial for the global market. Superconducting magnets long with molecular biology have led to major developments in the pharmaceutical sector.
这些磁铁有助于某些药物的发现过程。预计,这一趋势将有利于全球超导磁体市场的增长。造纸工业在过去几年里蓬勃发展,预计在不久的将来还会进一步增长。这些磁铁用于去除木浆中的弱磁性污染。预计这将增加全球超导磁体市场在未来7年的增长。陶瓷行业是超导磁体终端使用的重要产业。这些磁铁用于提高陶瓷的白度。超导磁体用于火车轨道上的磁悬浮。由于政府在未来7年鼓励多个地区发展公共交通,预计磁悬浮列车行业将有高速增长。这一趋势被吹捧为支撑全球市场。 Magnetic levitation is also used for product displays. This is another factor that is touted to bolster the global market growth. Moderate to sluggish growth in superconducting magnets production is expected to hinder the global market growth over the forecast period. Higher cooling costs for these magnets are estimated to hamper the global market growth. Low technological knowhow owing to nascent nature of the industry is expected to hamper the global market. Superconducting magnets have various laboratory uses and applications that provide ample scope for market development in the near future. This is anticipated to boost the global market growth. R&D initiatives to develop novel applications and cost-effective usage promise ample opportunities for market participants.
全球半导体磁体行业的知名参与者包括安捷伦技术公司、住友电气工业有限公司、美国磁性公司、西门子公司、通用电气公司和超导体公司。其他行业参与者包括cryomagtics Inc.、Oxford Instruments、Janis Research Company、Magnetica和Columbus superconductor。由于很少有主要的行业参与者,据说全球市场是适度整合的。